Friday, February 18, 2011

Despicable Me Review

This movie rated PG and it's from Universal Studios.

We rented it tonight.

I didn't want to see it, when it came out in the theaters, because I didn't know what it was about. All these little yellow guys being silly and some big monster who had three kids. Very strange.

I did read a review that said it wasn't that bad of a movie. Since my local workout gym had already showed my kids part of it, I figured we would give it a try.

The movie had a surprisingly decent plot. . . in sort of a crazy, mixed up way. It kept us interested enough in the movie to be glued to the screen the entire time. An evil villain, who's not sinister as you would expect most villains to be, decides he wants to steal the moon so he can be the best-est villain.
Someone gets in the way of him getting a shrink gun to shrink the moon, and so he figures three innocent looking girls from the Girl's Home can help him steal it back. The girls don't do any of the stealing, in fact they don't know exactly what's going on. In the end, the villain decides being their Dad is the best-est thing he could possibly do, and gives up being evil to love them.

If you look past all of the toilet humor, including when several of the minions say poop when something goes wrong, and the children begging to get what they want (and it works); it's a GREAT movie.

BUT.. I can't look past those things, so we will not be buying this one. Sadly, I'm going to have to give this one a three out of five stars because of the humor and "language" (which they don't use the "real" word, but they might as well have in my opinion because I don't want my kiddos using it in that context either).

If you don't care about how much your kiddos say fart, poop, and whatever else they said that I didn't have time to catch-then this movie is for you.

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